"Heat" is the first group exhibition to be displayed at the QS Art Space featuring four contemporary Vietnamese artists: Luong Luu Bien (1975), Huynh Thao (1980), Vo Thanh Than (1987) and Dang Quang Tien (1992). This is an exhibition that marks an important and significant milestone for the launch of QS Art Space to the public; also opens a new chapter at the museum in accompanying and supporting young and talented artists on their journeys. 

Why “Heat”?

“Heat” is a special vocabulary for its diverse meanings within the Vietnamese language. Speaking of ‘heat’, we immediately associate it with temperature. "Heat" here not only refers to the heat of the summer afternoon or the warm feeling inside the body (internal heat); but for some, it can be an implication for enthusiasm and energetic interests in a particular subject. In a present modern society, increasingly filled with lavish activities and advanced technological tools that offers easy detachments from the physical world and thus, subjecting us to distraction of reality and depreciation of core values of ‘living’, the "heat", or specifically, our passion will become the fuel to ignite the fire of our hearts and drives our spirit, like the artist and his/her artworks.
This exhibition brings together four contemporary Vietnamese artists that share a similar "heat" - that is the desire for art and a level of warmth in their respective palette. Yet, within this convergence, each artist further embodies a completely unique and independent visual language, a distinctive substance, a separate tone and approach to artistic expression that differentiate them from their peers, strongly expressed through the paintings included in this exhibition.